Route Surveys
A Route Survey is a game plan for moving your over-dimensional load the safest way to its destination. The load must follow the exact route that is laid out in the survey (and approved in the permit), to ensure the safety of motorists and the protection of public roadways and property.
Properly carried out route surveys can ensure the correct routes are selected by identifying potential vertical obstacles, horizontal obstacles, or other issues that could impact the safe movement of an oversize load.
To complete our Route Surveys – we research the details, we drive the route, we measure details for all obstacles, and we provide pictures of the key points along the route. Completing a route survey is a complex task that requires focused attention to detail, plus a strong understanding of the mechanics of the load being transported (e.g. long loads with wide tail swing, super-wide loads that require space extending into the ditches, loads with a wide turning radius, etc.).
CPT’s Route Surveys take into consideration:
- Dimensions of the load (including shape and weight distribution)
- Dimensions of the loaded truck and trailer
- Trailer and Load Ground Clearances and uneven transitions
- Details of bridges, guard rails, train crossings, narrow passages, over-head obstacles (trees, buildings, power lines)
- Other requirements of the Carrier (e.g. pull-over areas to allow traffic to pass the load)